Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Magnolia Pearl: A Piece of Heaven

Imagine for a moment that when you first wake up, grab your cup of coffee and head out to the porch to listen to the birds singing, the wind blowing, and there's not another house as far as the eye can see:

The wind chimes are blowing and all you can hear are the birds singing.

You decide to head out to the garden to see how your hard work is paying off:

All the flowers are in full bloom:

And you can't decide if you want to take a bike ride on your 38 acres or if you just want to sit here and just enjoy your day:

I mean what's the rush, it's not like you have to be in any hurry to get anywhere.

You turn and this view hits you:

The tree's are in full bloom too.

Then you turn and you are blown away from this view:

You decide to head back inside to enjoy the beauty that awaits you there too:

But then your eye catches the porch and you decide it's way to early to retreat inside because this awaits you:

Yes life is good living on the Magnolia Pearl Ranch:

This piece of heaven can be yours.  It's not a dream, make it happen, you only live once.

See dreams do come true.

Check out Anne's blog for the details


For more information about purchasing Robin's ranch, click HERE.


  1. You are a great friend. Nice to know you are always there to give a shout out.

  2. All that antiqued beauty, it's wonderful. Wish I had all those flowers. xoxo,Susie at SheJunks
